Black Hawk Island by Jaelan Year 6

The scorpion sun slashed against my skin. My crew sang merrily as we worked. Suddenly I saw a tiny chest appear deep inside the water. I shouted at my crew, they filled with excitement. I lowered the air barrel, which is an old Spanish church bell, and dived in. The very moment I clasped the miniscule chest, a gigantic, malicious and fierce Great White shark rushed towards me with torpedo like speed.

“Arrgh!” I cried, but my fear was consumed by my greed I was going to get that treasure one way or another. Cutlass in hand, I swatted the shark away and came out of the water. As soon as I was dry I read the map aloud and the words that were on it made me shiver. We were heading… to Black Hawk Island. But I wasn’t scared, or was I? So we travelled for Black Hawk Island.

As soon as I set foot on the island my senses went into hyper drive. On the first night it was rough, but on the second we found the treasure. It was connected to the mountains which turned into a volcano as soon as we touched it. We managed to escape…just.