Year 3 recently made some fantastic masks out of Papier-mâché! Can you guess who is who?
The General Election
Next Thursday is a very important day for the U.K!, this presentation will tell you more:
RSPB Bird Watch
Year 3’s Fantastic pottery
The story of Krishna’s birth
In R.E next week we will be learning about the Hindu god Krishna, you can read the story of Krishna’s birth using the slide show below.
Angel’s fantastic Literacy work
Diwali Assembly
Earlier in the year Year 3 performed their own version of the Diwali story, you can watch the assembly here:
Rama and Sita from Vauxhall on Vimeo.
In Religious Education Year 3 have been learning about the Hindu celebration of Janmashtami. Peter did some excellent work on this in which he explained the
Dahi-Handi (human pyramid) ritual, an important part of the Janmashtami festival.
Find out more about Janmashtami here.