Multiplication and Division Games

Here is a list of 15 games that you can use to help you remember your Times Tables (and corresponding division facts):

Multiplication Racing Game

Quick Fire Times Tables Practice

TES Mental Calculation Games

Times Tables Grid Game

Meteor Multiplication

‘Mad Maths’ Four Times Tables Game

Multiplication Facts Game

Multiple Matrix

Division Mine (BBC Bite size)

Sum Sense – Multiplication

Sum Sense – Division

‘Bamzooki’ Multiplication and Division

Division Game (Harder Questions)

Division Derby

‘Bamzooki’ Missing Operation Game

Wadhurst Primary ‘Eco-Council’ Visit


Younes and Rachel from Year 3 took part in an exciting meeting with the Eco-council from Wadhurst Primary School, East Sussex.

This was a great opportunity for Vauxhall’s ‘Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA)’ Steering Group to discuss environmental issues with children from a rural community.

Royal Opera House Trip


This Monday Year 3 visited the Royal Opera House, it was a fantastic experience. The Children had the opportunity to watch a real ballet rehearsal.

Watching the Orchestra perform throughout the ballet was a real highlight!




WHY Festival Trip




Year 3 were lucky enough to visit the South Bank Centre as part of their ‘What’s Happening for the Youth’ festival. During the trip we took part in some fantastic Art activities and protested against the dropping of litter!


Diwali Assembly

We are really looking forward to our Diwali assembly, here are the songs we need to learn:


‘I’m Gonna Slice Him’

‘He’s a Monkey Man’

‘Boo To The Losers’

‘It’s Diwali’