The Spider and the Fly by Christina Year 6

Setting: It’s a cold full moon night some clouds in the sky. In an old abandoned mansion, there is only one room the light on – the attic

Scene one: In the dirty attic. The fly comes in tiptoeing elegantly from stage right looking around. With a grin on his face the spider slowly, calmly approaches the fly from stage right.

Spider: (Welcoming voice and smile on his face)

Will you walk into my parlour? Tis’ the prettiest little parlour, up a winding stair. I have many curious things to show you when you are there.

Fly: (Kindly, delicately and poshly)

Oh no, no to ask me is in vain, for who goes up the winding stairs can never, never come down again.

Scene two: The fly stands in front of the spider and listens carefully. The spider is sitting very contentedly. His attitude has not changed, he is still a gentleman. The ghosts come from stage left and they looked worried.

Spider: (Truthful and inviting voice)

I’m sure you must be wear dear, with soaring up so high, will you rest upon my little bed? There are pretty curtains drawn around the sheets are fine and thin, and if you like to rest a while, I’ll snugly tuck you in!