Mouse Meets Snake by Hudayfa Year 4

Narrator: The mouse walked through the deep damp woods. A snake saw the mouse and the mouse looked juicy.

Snake: Where are you where are you going little brown fat mouse? Come here and have lunch in my log pile house. (Strangles and slithers around the mouse)

Mouse: (Choking) Its terribly kind of you but I am meeting a Gruffalo for lunch.

Snake: A Gruffalo, what’s a Gruffalo? (Still strangling the mouse)

Mouse: (Can’t breathe, then snake lets go) Ha ha ha A Gruffalo? Why didn’t you know? He has orange eyes and black tongue and purple prickles all over his back.

Snake: Purple freckles with his back! Where are you meeting him?

Mouse: By this lake. Oh yes his favourite food is scrambled snake.

Snake: (Screaming) SSSSscrambled snake! It is time I hid. (crashes into the log pile house)

Mouse: (Calming down) Silly old snake doesn’t he know there’s no such thing as a Gruffalo.

Narrator: On went the mouse through the deep dark wood.

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