How does the water cycle work? by Omari Year 6

The water cycle is the continuous cycle of water between land, sea and air. Many people refer to this as the hydrological cycle. Without water we will not survive. In addition water helps farmers grow crops, gardeners grow plants and to feed us humans and other animals all over the world. Did you know that our body is made of 70% water! Isn’t that fascinating to hear?

Firstly, evaporation is when water is heated by the sun’s rays and turns into water vapour. Evaporation depends on temperature as is slow when the temperature is cold and faster when it is hot.

Next is condensation. Condensation starts when clouds are formed and it starts to rain. When the rain drops and the temperature gets really low it falls as snow, hail or sleet. Then it falls onto mountains and.  If you leave a water drop on a table or counter it will eventually form back into clouds, and the cycle goes all over again!